Shiny new website
Welcome to my new website!
It’s exciting, isn’t it! It’s like Christmas. You open presents (pages), see if you like them (if they work), and smile really wide even if you get a hideous pair of socks (broken link).
Even if the socks aren’t your favorite, I’m so happy you’re here! I love to write and I love to talk about writing. I can’t wait to share all my news with everyone and introduce you to some of my writing friends and their work!
There’s a lot more to come, so keep an eye on this site! One day there will be newsletters and recommendations and all sorts of fun stuff. Just give me a little time to figure out how to do all this website thing—I’m old and stuff so this is hard. In the meantime, here’s a picture of my cat to keep you happy!
<Insert Cat Picture>
Just kidding, I know how to put in a picture! I’m not THAT old.
<Insert Cat Picture.jpeg>
Still didn’t work? Shoot…I’ll figure this out eventually…